Life has taught....

There is not a pronoun in the title because life at the end teaches to everyone without exception.

Life has thought … that is important not to trust everybody, in fact, you should just trust in yourself. Life has though... that people you love the most will disappoint you always because you expect too much and that nobody is perfect. Life has though... that men are stronger and women are wicker this is a lie. We are equals and we are people no matter what. 

Life has though... that maturity cannot be reached through the years. It can be achieved thanks to the experiences and I'm not talking about the good ones. You have to live them, get some pain and keep it going. 

Life has though... that life is what you question every single day because you cannot find yourself or where you are. Life has though... that loving someone that does not feel the same as you do is painful but it's something you will have to face someday. 

Life has thought… that people are afraid of the truth, but that it is the best thing that can happen to you because a lie hurts more and disappoint you even worse. Life has though... that karma is a bitch and that you'll always receive what you give.

Life has thought… that it is impossible to stop your feelings. The best thing to do sometimes is just breathe and look around, then you'll see that not everything is lost. 

Life has taught .... that time is still running and that one day your heart will tell you: "I'm sorry but it won't we the same anymore."
